Currently thinking about:

Old TV Screen Gif

The fact that im gonna go watch a movie todaay :D

Brackets gif 3DS PNG Riku Replica Sprite

Page Synopsis

This is my little messy spot on the internet..! Welcome...

Here I will share my ocs, and artwork! I don't really have a theme for this whole site, but there will probably panels from "The Tarot Cafe" manwha as I recently remembered that it existed.

I really struggled when making this site. I first tried building one waayyyy back in December of 2021, but kind of got fatigued after a week.

THEN! A year later I tried again, this time putting more emphasis on the home page. I put so much focus on the exact layout of my homepage that I really lost sight of what I actually wanted to even say.

This time around, I've decided to not overcomplicate my homepage before I've even finished building the site. I will come back around once the main pages are done! I just really don't want to become overwhelmed again with creating a complex home page... Side note but I feel like there's a lot of emphasis on homepages, and I've atleast felt a lot of pressure in the past to really make a nice index. Probably because its the first thing people see when they click on your page.

If you don't make an impression on a viewer in the first 5 seconds of them seeing your page, then they might never visit it again...(I feel this mentality is a remnant of using instagram for so long, and the overall pressure of social media of needing everyone to click with your constant instantly.) I want to move away from this mindset with this page for a while, so even if my home poage is a little ugly, I want to be able to connect with it even if no one else does.

RANT ASIDE! I hope that if you see this site you like it a little bit and think to yourself 'Hmmm. pretty nice :p'


Oml... Haven't updated the site in a year. My bad past me...

Anywho, I added my art page that I've been planning on doing for so long!! I plan on adding some kind of library to track every book I've read... I think I will actually stick around with that idea because of how much I like Angels before Man...


Added the stories page and changed around the colors of the home page!


Don't really know what to add to my homepage hopefully I'll get more ideas soon. 🤔 I redid the audio box though maybe I will just fix that up!


I'm redoing the homepage! First I changed the entire page synopsis to be just one small snippet. Then I added the currently thinking about box.

Headphone Cat - Anajet

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become. You are what you do, not what you say you'll do. - Carl Jung